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International Journal Of Zakat

 Penulis: BAZNAS  Kategori: Jurnal, Jurnal Al-Awqaf  Penerbit: BAZNAS  Tahun Terbit: January 1, 2017  Kode Buku: X0101  Jumlah Halaman: 97 hlm,  Bahasa: Bahasa Inggris  ISBN: 2548-2335

Vol. 2 No. 2 Tahun 2017

International Journal of Zakat (IJAZ) initially focuses on zakat studies such as general activities of zakat management, institutional foundation, zakat administers qualifications, good governance practices, assessment methodology and other areas related to zakat. General activities of zakat management covers discourses about zakatable wealth, methods of collection and performance indicator; Institutional foundation includes private sector, special department, government on mandatory basis enforced by the regulation and credibility of the institutions; Zakat administers qualifications comprises sharia and professionalism principles and trust of zakat payers; On the other hand, good governance practices covers internal/external reporting system and risk management.

IJAZ is peer-reviewed and scientific journal which is published twice in a year, on May and November. IJAZ is a type of scientific journal (e-journal) in zakat studies.


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